Monday, May 25, 2009

Rafting in Nepal, Rafting Expeditions


Rafting in Nepal

Rafting is one of the best way to explore typical cross section of natural as well as ethno cultural heritage the country, There are numerous rivers in Nepal which offer excellent farting of canoeing experience, you can glide on calm jade waters with magnificent scenery all abut or rush through roaring white rapids in the core of expert river me provide (employed) by
Nepal has earned the reputation of one of the next destination for while water rafting crusing down rushing rivers of crashing waves and swiring rapids can make up excietment of a lifetime. Rafting trips for some is the highlights no their stay in nepal. the waters in nepal offer something for everybody grades 5-5 trivers with raging with a new rapids for the adventurous, to gradi 2-3 rivers with corm two to three mean trips to trips of two or three days.
The options include paddling, Varying and crayoning, paddling requires all on the boat to participate with instructions from river runner. Luxury safari-style trips within all team are avaibale too. in an over boat the guide rows alone giving participants a chance to observe the surroundings the best time for rafting is from October to through mid December and march through early way during monsoons months of june through of june through september, The white water section and dangerous, but gentler stretches one eassy to raket on.
Whatever your desire for adventure, it is easy to find the perfect river in Nepal. With a wide range of difficulties from a gentle 2-day float down the Seti river, to an exhilarating 10-day adventure through the rapids of the remote Tamur and Karnali, there is an experience for everyone waiting in Nepal's famous white waters. Nepal's rivers change with the seasons. Each year, after the heavy monsoon rains the waters swell, changing the run of the rivers and the nature of the rapids. New rapids are created; others become more difficult and some simply impossible to navigate. It is important to remember that some of the white water action you are about to read about could have changed by the time you come to run the river. At MRR we are constantly monitoring changes in the rivers and their rapids, so that we can always ensure the safety of our clients and plan expeditions with precision...

Rafting Information

White Water Rafting is a special venture in the river on inflatable rubber boat. A river trip is usually an unusual adventure. The most thrilling, exciting and exotic river trips in Nepal can be arranged with us. You have to choose river trips lasting 1 to 12 days on some of the best and exciting rivers in

Nepal. These wild rivers rising from the hidden plateau of Tibet and the high Himalayan Mountains of Nepal cut deep down the rugged sloppy mid-hills of Nepal and then finally meander across the Indian plains to join the holy waters of the river Ganga. In a country like Nepal, a river trip is one of the best noble gateways to explore a typical cross section of the country's natural as well as ethno cultural heritage. Whether it's just the two of you for a romantic escape or perhaps a group of friends outing, this action packed jaunt to the foothills will surely become a favorite outing sport of yours for many years to come. The river flows and passes through some of the most beautiful canyons, ethnic villages and landscapes of Nepal. The trips offer full spectrum of wilderness river experiences from the gently flowing stretches to the loud roaring wild and wet rapids. our staffs are highly trained and qualified in the aquatic sport for white water river rafting.

White Water Rafting In Nepal

Whatever your desire for adventure, it is easy to find the perfect river in Nepal. With a wide range of difficulties from a gentle 2-day float down the Seti river, to an exhilarating 10-day adventure through the rapids of the remote Tamur and Karnali, there is an experience for everyone waiting in Nepal's famous white waters. Nepal's rivers change with the seasons. Each year, after the heavy monsoon rains the waters swell, changing the run of the rivers and the nature of the rapids. New rapids are created; others become more difficult and some simply impossible to navigate. It is important to remember that some of the white water action you are about to read about could have changed by the time you come to run the river. At MRR we are constantly monitoring changes in the rivers and their rapids, so that we can always ensure the safety of our clients and plan expeditions with precision...

River of Nepal

Trishuli River

A trip down the Trishuli is an experience not to be missed (class 3 to 4+ in high water). While you learn to handle the river’s well spaced, straightforward rapids, a panorama of stunning gorges drifts quietly past. During the monsoon, the river promises a more challenging ride, with powerful rapids and whirlpools. This trip can easily be combined with a visit to Chitwan National Park or Pokhara.

Koshi River

The harmony of Tibet and the Himalayas (2 days)

Koshi is one of the best white water adventure in Nepal (class 4 to 5). Your journey to the starting point takes you through the mountains, past a vista of traditional Tibetan life. Once you’re on the river though, there is no time to stop and admire the scenery, as you and your fellow rafters negotiate some of the fastest and steepest rapids in Nepal. This true adventure can be rafted between October and December and February and April.

Gandaki River

River Of Gods (3Days)

After the much revered Goddess Kali and descending from the deepest Gorge in Asia, this fabulous river ( class 3 to 4 + ) offers the mixture of astounding mountain view and pure adrenaline with the full immersion into the wilderness. Along the way you will encounter cultural in simplest. If you are lucky, traditional Magar and Chetri Villagers will venture to the river bank to witness your journey through the remote mountain wilderness of Nepal.

Marshyangdi River

The raging river (5 days)

Descending form looming Himalayan giants of famous Annapurna region and passes through along the route of round Annapurna trekking, beautiful villages, guarding temples on the river bank with uninterrupted class 4 to 5 rapids. Under the watchful gaze of Annapurna’s towering peaks. If it’s adventure you seek, you’ll find it on this trip with one day of easy trekking and 4 days of intense white water rafting.

This is sad as initial work for middle dam has started already. Lets raft on Marshyangdi in few year this best river stop flowing free for rafters and kayakers

Arun River

Trekker's Delight (9 days)

This trip begins with 3 day trek through remote villages of Arun valley. Camping out in lush forests with views of the snowcapped Himalayan peaks. On the river, the powerful current drives your raft or kayak through 4 days of great white water action; at night you relax on fantastic beaches in dramatic valleys of Arun. In our opinion, the combination of trekking, spectacular scenery, great rapids and remote location make the Arun itself best river running.

Sun Koshi River I

River of gold (7 to 9 days) depend on season.

The Sun Koshi River (class 4 to 5) is famous in rafting circles, and with good reason. This is one of the 10 most exciting white water rafting in the world, roaring past remote villages and green fertile mountains covered with forests and rice terraces, where local inhabitants can be seen in their daily rural activities. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience… particularly during high waters, when the rapids can swell to massive sizes, sometimes making the rafts completely disappear from sight!

Karnali River

The Wild West (10 days)

A one-day trek from the nearest road leads you to Karnali, Nepal’s largest and longest river. On the river, a series of challenging class IV to V rapids takes you through narrow canyons and dense forest full of diverse flora and fauna, finally leaving you close to Bardia National Park, where you can combine your rafting adventure with a safari trip and maybe spot some of the park’s one-horned rhinos and elusive tigers.

Tamur River

Best of the East (10 days)

An expedition on the Tamur River begins with a breathtaking 4-day trek through remote Eastern Nepal. This short trek offer an amazing view of Mt. Makalu, Kanchanjanga, passing through rhododendron forest and an ancient villages of Rai majority. Once on the river, you begin a 120 km descent through more than 100 of the most exciting (class 4 to 5) rapids the river has to offer. As with the Arun, the Tamur offers you the opportunity to explore a beautiful, but rarely seen part of Nepal by foot and raft or kayak

Kayaking Information

This course will present each student with the opportunity to become a class IV kayaker. The qualification and experience gained on the course will prepare you to work and play internationally on rivers around the world. The course lasts for one month with experience instructor and the second month joining our commercial trip for building up more confidence
Two months of being constantly on the water with experts, mean even those of you who have never kayaked before should be able to reach a high standard of kayaking. The first seven weeks will be aimed at your personal skills. If you are already a kayaker then we will push your personal level to its limits.

If your goal is to be a safety kayaker you need to be happy to "play" in class iv rapids not just survive them. You need to be able to kayak at a personal level, one grade above the river grade you are safety kayaking on. You will be responsible for rescuing people in awkward situations and they may be panicking , so you need to have complete control of the kayak as a tool to help you, not just a vehicle to carry you. A good safety kayaker needs to know how to rescue people, rafts and equipment. You will work together with the raft guides to learn how to be a team and handle any situation that could arise on a river expedition. Our goal is to get you to be a class iv safety kayaker (this means you will be a class v kayaker at a personal level).

Along with becoming a safety kayaker we will bring up to date with the latest techniques for teaching. The goal is for you to be able to teach complete novices to kayak on up to class iii river expeditions. This adds to your potential in this industry as an all round asset to any adventure company.

If your goal is to become a good kayaker and river leader, you can join this course as a complete novice, intermediate or advanced kayaker. You will be given the attention you need and time on the rivers to improve your skills to their optimum. All the instructors are solid class v kayakers and they will encourage and support you to reach your potential. You will learn all the river reading and rescue techniques that will enable you to tackle rivers and lead a group in the safe knowledge you will be able to deal with any situation that may arise. You will learn all the same skills of camp management and expedition preparation as the guides and safety kayaker students and will be assessed on these aspects. We are training you to be a river leader as well as just a kayaker. This means you need to be able to do almost everything the guides and safety kayakers do but on a less formal basis.

Leadership, expedition planning, group skills, team work and camp craft also play a large role in the course curriculum. How and when to lead and when to be one of the group is one of the most important skills you can acquire in this rapidly growing adventure industry. Whether you are on the course for fun or with the intention of getting into the river running industry, this type of experience will serve you well for whatever lifestyle you choose. The majority of the course will be taught while on multi-day expeditions on Nepal’s many rivers. The river and its environment will be your classroom.

The course will finish after 4 weeks with an assessment prior to the issue of certificates. The assessment will consist of a written and oral portion as well as a practical assessment Students will be examined by outside independent assessors as well as the course director. Certificates will be awarded according to the level of ability reached by the student.

Students are given the opportunity to run commercial expeditions with our guides. This is an essential aspect for any prospects of future employment. You learn so much by hands on experience, dealing with real clients and real situations that arise on commercial expeditions. We will be advising and reviewing your performance after each expedition to improve weak areas both on and off the river. You will work with a variety of styles of leaders and guides by running different rivers with different teams and it all adds to your store of experience which is an essential ingredient of safety kayaking.

These courses are designed for the complete novice to white water, therefore no prior experience is required, however any that you do have will be a great asset. We do ask that students meet the following pre-requisites before arriving in Nepal.

Age is an attitude and not a problem but we do require that all students be at least 18 years old.
Rafting and kayaking are physical jobs and students should have a reasonable level of fitness.
Students should be strong swimmers and comfortable in the water.
Wilderness First Responder (WFR) in the USA or the Mountain First Aid Certificate in Britain is a necessary pre-requisite. If you do not have this, we will not issue your certificate until you have , but it will not prevent you from doing the course or taking the assessment. We can arrange for a first aid course for the Bhutanese students in Nepal but at an extra cost.
As above but you must be a solid class iii kayaker. If you are not at this grade, you will spend most of the course concentrating on getting to the basic level. If you already kayak class iv, we will refine and improve your skills.






INSURANCE: Students are responsible for having their own travel insurance including helicopter evacuation. (The BMC offer an excellent annual cover)

VACCINATIONS: Nepal has no official vaccination requirements for entry. However we recommend that you visit a doctor for the latest recommendations and protect yourself accordingly.

VISA: Visa can be obtained at Tribhuvan International Airport upon arrival. You will need 2 passport size photographs.

CURRENCY: The best currency to have is US Dollars in travelers cheques, cash and/or credit cards. American Express, MasterCard and Visa are all accepted in Nepal.

FOOD AND ACCOMMODATION: When not on the river you will receive a daily allowance for food and all accommodation will be provided for a period of one month. After the course students are responsible for their own expenses. If at any time students opt to leave the course for any length of time, they are responsible for their own expenses.

RECOMMENDED READING: Although not required the following books will help to prepare you for the course and give you an extra insight into the country of Nepal.

What is Kayaking???
Kayaking is a water sport. It novices boating down rivers or (on lakes) using a canoe like a boat. Kayaks made of seal skins were traditionally used by the Eskimos to travel over the waters of the North American Artic, Modern-day Kayaks are made of hardened light weighted plastic or fiberglass.

Kayaking has become a very popular sport all over the world, especially in the western countries as well as Australia, and New Zealand. A long with rafting it has become increasingly popular amongst younger generation as an exciting, challenging and exhilarating sport. The number of the young people who are taking interest in this sport is rising sleepy and many of these enthusiasts are traveling to distant countries, including Nepal in search of fresh challenges as well as natural beauty and peace.

Lower portion of the most exciting river of Nepal Bhote Koshi is the perfect ground for learning Kayaking. This is a fun section with some calm stretches and class II/III rapids. Also the river seems remarkably unspoiled with its steep forested banks and white beaches. Friendship Trek is the pioneers of Nepal's kayak school, who is offering beginner intermediate and advanced courses in this exciting sport. We have well set up with finest equipment available and the most experienced instructor in Nepal.

Brief Introduction of Basic 4 Days kayaks Clinic:
  1. Introduction of Equipment.
    What is Kayak/Helmet/Life Jacket/Paddle etc?
  2. Explaining the use of gears:
    How to fit in the Kayak? How to use Paddle etc??
  3. Basic Paddle Strokes
    Forward, Backstroke, and Sweep Stroke
  4. Self Rescue
    How to Get out of the boat and swim to the shore with Kayak.
  5. River Signals:
    Explaining the hand signals and paddle signs.
  6. T-rescue
    How to upright yourself with help from another kayaker etc.
  1. Ferry glide
    Crossing the river without losing the distance.
  2. Eddy in and Eddy out
    Paddling in or out without moving into moving water.
  3. Bracing
    Show low and high grace.
  4. River reading Class 1 & 2
    Explanation about hazards and river flow.
  1. Paddle Class 1 & 2 rapids.
    Start paddling from Sukute to Chehere and back to the Camp.
  2. Kayak Rescue:
    Teach basic skills or Eskimo Rolls and more.
  3. Eskimo Roll
    Eddy in/out
  1. Paddle Class 1 & 2 rapids
    Again we paddle from Sukute to Chehere and back to the Camp
  2. Wave surfing
    Explain wave surfing, give and good explanation.
  3. Eskimo Roll
    Scouting and more Eskimo rolls.
  4. Scouting rapids

Day 01 Assessment of abilities, review rolls

Eddying out Paddle Balephi to Chehere
Day 02 Paddle from Balephi to Sukute

Learn wave surfing and hole surfing
Day 03 Paddle from Lamasangu to Sukute

Learn boat scouting, land scouting, group safety, play boating etc.
Day 04 Lamasangu to Sukute, Play boating

Nepal's climate is dictated by the monsoon, which starts in March, April June & usually ends by late September. The best time for rafting are late September to early December & March to early June. From mid-October onwards the weather is settled and this is one of the most popular time to go rafting as the monsoon is over and everything is very green. Rivers are moderately high but with dropping levels creating more rapids as autumn wears on. Temperatures too are comfortably warm and skies clear with fine mountain views. The winter months from late December through to early February are cold, but skies are clear & river levels are low. From late February through to early April is also a good time for river running - river levels are reliably low and air temperatures warm. From June to August the monsoon rains arrive and the rivers swell making rafting a risky proposition.
Grading System 
There are many different types of river rafting in Nepal. It is important to select the type of trips that suits the clients’ interest and ability. Any raft with an oar frame, the river guide normally sits in the middle and rows while passengers relax and enjoy the scenery. With a paddle raft the guide normally sits at the back calling instructions and steering, while the crew provides the power. A good teamwork is very important while rafting.
Rivers here are graded from one to six with one as an easy-moving water with few obstacles and six being considered nearly impossible to negotiate and hazardous. Anyone who is in reasonable physical shape and not afraid of water can safely go rafting on rivers with grading from one to three. One is considered as easy, two as moderate and three as moderately difficult. Four is considered to be challenging. From four to six participants should be very fit, confident and have some rafting experience.

Few useful information for the rafting:

 The clients should select the type of trips that suits their interest & ability only as per the river levels & difficulty.
They should check to see that end loops and leash is adequate before pushing off. This makes it easier to keep a good hold on the boat when negotiating big rapida and also in the event of rescue
When participants accidentally fall into a rapid, they should try not to panic. They should hold onto their paddle, which makes them more visible. They should try to float on their back, with the feet downstream.
Due to space constraint on the raft, we highly suggest clients to minimize their belongings as much as possible. 
Valuables like gold ornaments, passport, air tickets, documents etc; should be left behind in the hotel locker in Kathmandu. Even credit cards are not necessary unless they will be proceeding on to Pokhara or Chitwan after the river trip. A little extra money will be required incase they prefer to have a drink in the evening or buy small souvenir.
Other expensive items like camera, watch; etc are to be deposited with the river guide, who will place them in a watertight container.
During the river trip, it is adviseable to wear shorts, T- shirts & shoes without socks. A spare set of dry clothing is to be ready after the end of the trip to change into for the evening. Spectacles or sunglasses are to be tied behind in order to prevent them from being swept away in a rapid. Sun cream together with a good sun-hat is also a must. A small towel to dry off after a spell of white water rapid can be also handy.
During the trip clients must wear the provided life jacket & helmet properly at all the times. They should check with the guide before taking them off. Their feet and arms should be kept inside the raft all times.
On calm stretches of the river, they can have a swim but they must get permission from the guide before diving into the water. Our river guide is an expert and he knows the river intimately. Hence his instructions are to be followed without question. The participant should always be a team person.
Lunches are usually cold consisting of sandwiches, salads & cheese and fresh fruit. This will be eaten on the trip on a suitable river beach. Dinner is buffet style without chairs & will consist of stew, brown bread & dessert. On longer trips a Nepalese menu consisting of rice, lentils, vegetables may be provided. Breakfast & dinner are usually laid buffet style on a table with self -service. Chairs & tables for meals are not provided on rafting trips.
A flash light is a must for that late night visit to the toilet tent or the trip back to the tent in the evening. We recommend bringing own sleeping bags. Mattresses are provided by us on the trip but the clients must ensure that all the belongings are secured & inside the tent. Nothing should be left lying on the beach, either during lunch or on overnight stops.
In the winter, evenings can be quite cold and breezy. Hence, warm sweaters and jackets are necessary. In summer, the riversides are warm hence only light clothing is required.


The river trip cost is inclusive of : transport to and from the rivers as per the itinerary, all food, permits, guides, porters, camping equipment and technical equipment

KARNALI: US $ 500.- net per person - net per person - 11 Days
TAMUR : - US $ 650.- net per person ;  12 Days
SUNKOSHI - US $ 350/400/450. - Net per person; ; 8 Days(*), 9days(**) and 10 Days(***)
KALI GANDAKI –  US $ 120.- net per person : 3 Days Trip
MARSYANGDI –  US $300.- net per person; 5 Days
Bhote Kosi : US $ 90.- net per person & 2 Days Lower Bhote Koshi (*) US $80/- 2 Days
BHOTE KOSI KAYAK SCHOOL- US $ 300. - Net per person;  4 Days  ( Every Day )


Minimum group size of 3. Contact our head office for dates. Available on request only.

Number of river days: 4
River: Buri Gandaki
Ratio of guide to students: 1:3


This is inclusive of two nights accommodation in Pokhara. Minimum group size of 3. Contact our head office for dates. This course is available on request only.

Number of days: 12
Number of river days:8
Rivers: Buri Gandaki (6 days) and Seti (4 days)
Ratio of guide to students: 1: 3
Cost: $.........


The cost of this course includes all food and accommodation, all permits, instruction and assessments. You are responsible for your own tourist visa ($2 per day) for the time you are here.


During Island Peak Climbing


If you can trek why not climb??

Friendship World Trek is the pioneers of the first mountaineering school for westerners in Nepal. Nepal is the perfect classroom clear skies, warm days and consi stent conditions. We do not want to just lead you to the top of a snow - capped mountain. We want to teach you the skills to make you a competent team member of any future mountaineering expedition. Our ratio of one instructor to three when learning skills or being guided, means you will get high level of attention we consider necessary.

Who can join the courses???

This course is suitable for the complete novice or a good refresher course for those who want to climb again. You will have discussions on equipment. Weather, avalanches and mountaineering in general. You will have instruction on crevasse rescue, glacier travel, ice climbing, and snow craft. So even if you have climb before you will be having a full and comprehensive revision course on some of the most important skills in mountaineering.

What to carry while climbing??
You will need a small day sack to put an extra fleece in, camera, water bottle, and potentially your water proofs. That's all.

Friendship World Trek Team:
Our instructors are picked for their knowledge and expertise in the mountaineering. If you feel safe, it means you relax, learn more, and enjoy yourself. Our teams are chosen for their personality and their professionalism. We want you to have one of the most memorable experiences of your life and you share it with has a large part to do with it. So, if you can trek why not climb??

Climbing Trips:
Who can join the courses?
This climbing course is suitable for the complete novice or as a Great refresher for those who want to climb again. The course Curriculum includes an introduction to equipment, ice climbing skills, rope work and comprehensive mountaineering safety techniques.
Climbing Courses in Nepal

Full organize trekking trip:

15 DAYS US$2000 Per Person.

Fixed Departure Dates:

March 20-03 April, April 02-16, 18-02 May, May 05-19, May 15-29, 21-04 June, Oct 02-16, 18-02 Nov, Nov 05-19, 21-05 Dec.

PIKE PEAK (4065M): Camping Trip,
US$ 1400 Per Person
Fixed Dates: 20-28 March, 30-07 April, 09-17 April, 19-27 April, 29-07 May.

Six days course $1130. Per person including Air Ticket.
Six days course: $800 Per Person excluding Air-Ticket.

Fixed Departure Dates: March 15-20, March 21-26, March 28-02 April, April 03-08, April 07-12, April 09-14,April 15-20, April 22-27, April 29-02 May, May 03-08,May 09-14, May 15-20, May 21-26, May 27-01 June, June 02-07, June 08-13, June 14-19. Oct 13-18, Oct 19-24, Oct 25-30, Oct 27-01, Nov 02-07, Nov 08-13, Nov 14-19, Nov 20-25, Nov 17-22, Nov 26-31, Dec 02-07, Dec 09-13

Climbing Courses in Nepal

Lobuche Peak (6119m): 

4 Days Climbing Courses
Fixed Dates: - March to May, Oct to Nov. 
Days: 4 days & 6 Days
Amount in USD: $600 Per Person Per Peak (Island and Lobuje Peak)
Amount in USD: $2000 & $1400 (Mera Peak & Pike Peak Camping Trip) 15 & 8 Days

Friendship World Trek- Basic climbing course, Lobuje, Island Peak, Trekking holidays and mountaineering expeditions to the Himalayas, Bhutan and Tibet - Trekking holidays in Nepal

Island (6169m) and Lobuje East (6119m) Trekking Peaks
Grade & trek days:
Expedition grade, 21 trek days
Number of days: 26   Trip cost per person: $1820 including Air-Ticket
Package: £1250/- (incl. Lukla flight)
Min group size: 2 Pax
Six days course $1130. Per person including Air Ticket.
Six days course: $800 Per Person excluding Air-Ticket.

Fixed Dates:

March 15-20, March 21-26, March 28-02 April, April 03-08, April 07-12, April 09-14,April 15-20, April 22-27, April 29-02 May, May 03-08,May 09-14, May 15-20, May 21-26, May 27-01 June, June 02-07, June 08-13, June 14-19. Oct 13-18, Oct 19-24, Oct 25-30, Oct 27-01, Nov 02-07, Nov 08-13, Nov 14-19, Nov 20-25, Nov 17-22, Nov 26-31, Dec 02-07, Dec 09-13.

Imja Tse(Island Peak) 6169m is one of the most
popular lesser peaks and to scale the mountain you
will need some mountaineering skill.
This trip is the same as the Everest Base Camp
trek until your entrance to the Chhukung valley.
Either you can take the air service from Kathmandu
to Lukla or drive to Jiri 184 km east of Kathmandu
and trek to Lukla and continue up to Namche
Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, Imja Glacier to the
Base Camp of Imja Tse (Island Peak). Three days
are set aside for the ascent of Imja Tse and
follow the same route back to Kathmandu as in the
Everest Base Camp trek. If you take the one-way
flight to Lukla, the whole trip will take 23 days
and if you take the return flight to Lukla the
trip will take 16 days.
This trip offers you not only enchanting views of
Mt. Everest (8848m) Lhotse (8516m) Ama Dablam
(6856m) and numerous others peaks it allows you to
experience the culture and tradition of Bhuddist
monasteries and Sherpa villages.

A. Self acclimatizing, and joining the course in the mountain village of Chukhung. (6 days):
Duration : 6 Days
Departure :March 15-20, March 21-26, March 28-02 April, April 03-08, April 07-12, April 09-14,April 15-20, April 22-27, April 29-02 May, May 03-08,May 09-14, May 15-20, May 21-26, May 27-01 June, June 02-07, June 08-13, June 14-19. Oct 13-18, Oct 19-24, Oct 25-30, Oct 27-01, Nov 02-07, Nov 08-13, Nov 14-19, Nov 20-25, Nov 17-22, Nov 26-31, Dec 02-07, Dec 09-13.
From : Chukhung to Chukhung Camping
Grade : Difficult
Season : Oct-Nov, Mar- Apr
Max Elevation :6,119 m
Cost : $1130 per person including Air Ticket
Day 01 : Arrive Chukhung, 2pm briefing check equipment,   AMS lecture. Overnight at Camp.
Day 02 : Acclimatization and instructional day Camp.
Day 03 : Acclimatization and instructional day Camp.
Day 04 : Trek to Island Peak Base Camp.
Day 05 : Summit day depart Base Camp 2 a.m. return lunch.   Camp Base camp.
Day 06 : Day 6 provides a second opportunity to summit   Island peak due to bad weather or illness. Those   who have summited depart base camp after   breakfast - lunch Chukhung end of trip. If Summiting   on Day 6 we will provide dinner and breakfast.

Lobuche Trekking Peak:

Friendship Trek- Lobuche Trekking Peak, Lobuje peak Basic climbing course, Trekking holidays and mountaineering expeditions to the Himalayas, Bhutan and Tibet - Trekking holidays in Nepal
Lobuche Trekking Peak (6119m)
Grade & trek days:
Expedition grade, 16 trek days
Number of days: 20 Days
Trip cost per person: $............
Package: $......
Min group size: 2 Pax

Lobuche Peak(6119m):
Six days course $1130 per person including Air Ticket.
$800 Per Person Excluding Air-Ticket.

Fixed Dates:-
March 14-19, March 20-25, March 26-31, April 03-08, April 13-18, April 16-21, April 20-25, May 02-07, May 10-15. May 14-19, Oct 15-20, Oct 25-30, Nov 02-07, Nov 15-20, Nov 25-30, Dec 03-08, Dec 10-15.

Departure Dates: September to December, March to May

Lobuche: There are two distinct summits to Lobuje
Peak - Lobuje East (6119m/20070ft) and Lobuje West
(6145m/20161ft). Lobuje is an attractive summit,
offering a variety of existing routes and a wide
scope for new lines. Seen from near Pheriche, the
dark triangle of its rocky East Face rises above
the moraines of the Khumbu Glacier to an icy
skyline. This skyline forms the South Ridge, the
junction of the East Face with the glaciated
South-West Face and the line of the normal route
of ascent. This in turn leads to the summit ridge
running northwest from the top of East Face
through several small summits to the East Peak.

Lobuche East is the hardest of the trekking peaks
that commercial groups attempt. In the Everest
Region (Khumbu) only Kwangde and Kusum Kangru are
more difficult. The main peak of Lobuche is
Lobuche West and is not included in the trekking
peak permit. Therefore for a legal climb to
Lobuche West (Main Peak) an Expedition Peak Permit
is required which is considerably more expensive.
Now follows a description of Lobuche East
(20075ft, 6119m 27 58 08N, 86 47 04S).
Good conditions and a dawn or pre-dawn start is
recommended. The average gradient for the entire
climb is not steep, but there are areas of messy
seracs that require two axes, front pointing and
belaying. The ridge route is sometimes easier.
Many climbers who take this approach stop at the
top of the ridge, thinking this is the summit of
Lobuche East. But infact a continuation on the
knife-edged ridge is needed (roped!) to reach the
true summit.

There are three itinerary options for Lobuche Mountaineering Instruction Course:
A. Self-acclimatizing, and joining the course in the mountain village of Dzongla. (6 days):
Departure :March 14-19, March 20-25, March 26-31, April 03-08, April 13-18, April 16-21, April 20-25, May 02-07, May 10-15. May 14-19, Oct 15-20, Oct 25-30, Nov 02-07, Nov 15-20, Nov 25-30, Dec 03-08, Dec 10-15.

From : Dzongla to Dzongla Camping Trip
Grade : Difficult
Season : Oct-Nov, Mar- Apr-May
Max Elevation : 6,119 m
Cost : $1130 per person including Air Ticket
Day 01 : Depart Dzungla tea house, trek to Cho La Pass.
Day 02 : Acclimatization and instructional day
Day 03 : AM - Instruction. PM - Depart Cho La for Lobuje   base Camp 5400m
Day 04 : Climb to high camp
Day 05 : Summit day (early start!)
Day 06 : Floating day to allow for bad weather or illness

Amadablam Challenge Expedition $5600.
15 Days Pangboche to Pangboche.
Departure Dates:
March 25-08 Apr, April 14-25th, May 01-15th, May 07-21st.
Oct 15-27, Oct 28-08 Nov, Nov 15-27,

3 Pass Trek (Rinzola/Chola/Khongmala Pass) & 3 Peaks Climbing (Labuche/Pokolde/Island Peak) & Many More Peaks.

Trekking Peak Equipment List:
Friendship Trek will provide the technical climbing equipment, including: harness, axes, helmets, crampons, carrabinas, ropes and base camp camping and cooking equipments.

You will need to supply the following personal equipment. If you do not have the following equipment you can rent it when you arrive in Kathmandu. Our office staff will take you to one of several quality trekking rental stores.

Waterproof trousers
Gloves (liner/layer/shell)
Plastic boots
Thermal bottoms / top
Day sack
Sleep mat (4 wk course)

Check your gear works before setting out, hire gear fits, etc. Your mountaineering equipment will be packed into a separate bag provided. Equator will transport this separately to base camp. You will NOT have access to this bag until base camp. You only need to carry what you need for trekking, not climbing. Friendship Trek can arrange a porter to Dzongla for you if you would like to trek with just a day pack.

*If you have something you are particularly prone to, ear infections or sinus problems, bring what you need with you.

If you have something you are particularly prone to, ear infections, foot rot, or sinus problems, bring what you need with you. You will definitely want to be carrying some for common illnesses like diarrhea, staff infection and upset stomachs. You will need a complete set of inoculations for Asia, ask your doctor for advice.

Please bring any of your own food: power bars, granola bars, dried fruit, chocolate, always nice to have.
For more details drop us a line at

For the rest of the cost: Please contact us:
Camping trekking,  Peak Climbing, Short Trek, Royal Trek, hiking, Rafting, Expeditions, Jungle Safari, Kayaking, Tour to Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim/Darjeeling, Bhutan, India, Sightseeing Inside Kathmandu valley, Lumbini and Pokhara. Group Discount, Students groups trekking, Kathmandu Valley trekking, Family trekking, Short trekking, Honeymoon couples are greatly favored too and many mores....

Thank you
Friendship World Trek